
Under COVID-19 providing certain benefits deemed not taxable

COVID-19 employment benefits

The ATO has been asked pertinent questions from taxpayers about some salient queries that have arisen due to the current COVID-19 employment environment. These may apply to a wide sample of taxpayers.

Some queries have related to fringe benefits tax (FBT) and the supply of items from an employer to staff to […]

Salisburys tax planning reminder

Reduce your tax

With the end of financial year just weeks away, there is still time to discuss with us the actions you can take before 30 June to reduce tax and access additional cash flow.

“In the business world, the rear view mirror is always clearer than the windshield” – Warren Buffett

It’s the […]

SBSCH USERS Deadline reminder to claim your tax deduction

Want to claim a deduction for super contributions?

Your super payments must be accepted by 23 June 2020.

Super payments are only considered to be paid for the purpose of claiming a tax deduction once they have been received by the super fund, not the date the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH) accepts them?


Accelerated depreciation Stimulus package

The government has announced that business with less than $500m in turnover will receive accelerated depreciation deductions for new assets up to 30 June 2021.

This accelerated depreciation is available for assets in the first year of deductions for the asset, and will be 50% of the installed cost of the asset, with the remainder […]

COVID-19 work-from-home expense FAQs

The ATO issues specific guidance addressing common questions

Many of our clients have questions about claiming expenses when forced to work from home over the COVID-19 period.

The accounting profession has also reported other clients coming to them with concerns about any consequent capital gains issues when later selling a property from which they had […]

2020 Tax planning

Reduce your 2020 tax

With the end of financial year approaching quickly, now is the time to discuss with us the actions you can take before 30 June 2020 to reduce your tax and access additional cash flow.

For 2020, key priorities are likely to include:

Maximise Federal and State Government Stimulus Payments Deferring […]

Shortcut method for claiming home office running costs

Shortcut method for claiming home office running costs

ATO announces short cut method for claiming home office running costs

The Australian Taxation Office (‘ATO’) has announced a temporary simplified short cut method to make it easier for individual taxpayers to claim deductions for additional running expenses incurred (e.g., additional heating, cooling and lighting costs), as […]

Fringe Benefits Tax 2020

What every employer needs to know about fringe benefits

On 31 March 2020, the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends. With the ever-increasing budget deficits, the ATO will be reviewing whether all employers who should be paying FBT are, and that they are paying the right amount.

To help you meet your fringe benefits obligations, […]

Economic Stimulus Package

Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Package

The Government has announced a $17.6 billion economic plan to keep Australians in jobs, keep businesses in business and support households and the economy as the world deals with the significant challenges posed by the spread of the coronavirus.

The targeted stimulus package is focused on keeping Australians in jobs and […]

Superannuation guarantee amnesty

Superannuation guarantee amnesty bill passed by Parliament

The superannuation guarantee amnesty bill passed Parliament on 24 February and has now received Royal Assent and is law.

This law change provides a number of incentives for employers to pay any unpaid historical superannuation guarantee (SG) amounts relating to the period 1 July 1992 to 31 March […]