
Superannuation Guarantee amnesty reintroduced

Proposed Superannuation Guarantee amnesty

Under existing law, if you’ve missed a payment or haven’t paid an employee’s super on time, you are required to lodge a Super guarantee charge (SGC) statement and pay the super guarantee (SG) charge on any SG shortfall amounts.

The SG charge includes a liability for the mandatory administration component of […]

SG amnesty

SG amnesty idea re-surfaces, but with an extended period of application

Last year’s announcement of an amnesty for employers who come forward to correct underpayments of their super guarantee obligations has been resurrected in a new bill.

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Recovering Unpaid Superannuation) Bill 2019, […]

Director penalty change strengthens SG rules

Director penalty change strengthens SG rules

Company directors need to keep in mind that the Corporations Act holds directors personally liable for many of the legal and financial obligations expected from a company.

But there are also some tax obligations for PAYG withholding and superannuation guarantee charge payments, which are outlined under the ATO’s “director penalty […]

New Superannuation Personal Liability Regime

Before You Become a Director

If you are about to become a company director, check for any unpaid or unreported PAYG withholding or SGC liabilities.

If you become a company director and the company has outstanding PAYG withholding and SGC obligations, you will become personally liable for a penalty equal to these amounts (these are […]

Important End of Financial Year Actions for You

EOFY reminders – annual tax returns

Another financial year is about to finish! As a business owner, there are many obligations that you need to consider and action just before and after 30 June.

Some of these will help to minimise your tax. Others will reduce your exposure to an ATO tax audit. We have […]