
Positive business experience thanks to Salisburys

Craig and Kathy Hogan speak with Salisburys

Cricket coach Craig Hogan and wife, Kathy, are the first to admit that they’ve always liked trying new and different things throughout their careers.

So when a guesthouse in Bright VIC came onto the market for sale, being overseas did not phase them.

Instead, they saw the potential […]

Getting the Most from Your Financial Statements

15 Best Practices when reviewing your financial statements

What Best Practices should you follow when conducting a Financial Review to ensure your decision-making is based on a thorough understanding of your business?

This article provides pointers to help you get the most out of your Financial Statements.

Traditional financial statements, like the Balance Sheet, Profit […]

When is the Right Time to Sell your Business

You may only sell one business in your lifetime

We hear comments ranging from “I don’t plan to sell my business” to “I’d sell it yesterday if I could!”

It’s just a matter of time. People don’t live forever. Companies, trusts and other structures can last a long time but they are ultimately owned and […]

Succession Planning – Making an Early Start

As accountants, we like our clients to think ahead… even on a 3 to 10-year timeframe.

A major part of this is Succession Planning. 

Where Succession Planning is concerned, clarity brings opportunity… and the risks of “getting it wrong” can be significant.

Let’s start with a few definitions.

Estate planning:

This means ensuring one’s assets are distributed […]

Setting Goals and Seizing Opportunities in 2021

Think back to November 2019

What predictions did you make for 2020? Few could have forecast what this year had in store.

Very few businesses have been unaffected by the events of 2021. Some businesses have boomed as a result of increased demand for their products and/or reduced competition. Others have suffered dramatically and are […]

It is time to review your trust deed?

Action required before 31 December 2020

With changes in rulings around foreign beneficiaries in discretionary trusts coming in to play as of 31 December 2020, we are now recommending a review of your trust deed to ensure it is up to date and reflects the operation of the trust.


Trusts are governed by are […]

Electrician’s spark rekindled, fires up owners to sell

Tom and Melissa Muntz owned and ran a successful electrical contracting business for 30 years.

In a typical business-couple style, Tom was customer-facing on the tools whilst Melissa kept the bookkeeping and payroll running smoothly in the office.

Their business operated in an industrial niche market which proved to be lucrative and provided Tom and […]

Business Resilience vision and goals

As accountants, we strive to help business owners build resilient and successful businesses

In the current business environment, there are both challenges and opportunities.

One component of resilience is to have a clear vision for the business. That means everyone should understand the business ‘destination’, the ‘why’ or the ‘rationale’ for the business. Without this, the […]

On-Farm Drought Resilience Grants

Agriculture Victoria

Increased drought assistance being provided to Victorian farmers

The Victorian Government through Agriculture Victoria of the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Agriculture Victoria) has established the On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Program to assist eligible farm businesses to invest in on-farm drought preparedness and to seek business advice.

A grant of up to […]

Lifecycle of a business from start-up to sale

Speech Pathologist Karla Morison was new to business ownership

After having her third child, Karla Morison felt it was time to resume her career with the idea of starting her own speech pathology clinic in 2013.

Matt Salisbury was Karla’s accountant since 2004.  Having never managed a business before, Matt was a natural choice for […]