
Successful Delegation to Drive Business Performance

As Accountants, we like to see our clients operating at high levels of efficiency and generating healthy profits.

However, one thing that prevents business owners from getting the most from their team is the failure to delegate work.

Many businesses invest a significant amount in human resources including compensation, recruiting, training and benefits so it’s […]

The do’s and don’ts after acquiring a business

To keep or not to keep?

Acquisitions can be an incredible boost for a growing business – you instantly add scale, expertise and assets and move into a desirable new territory, product or service.

Having been through many business acquisitions, we’ve seen how the effect can be transformative.

However, whether it’s a merge of equals […]

The Finance Function

12 ways to Drive Strategy and Value Creation

No matter the size of your business, the finance function should focus on STRATEGY and VALUE CREATION.

This will create a competitive advantage and give leaders peace of mind.

Yes, annual returns need to be filed and past performance should be tracked… but the finance function should […]

Remote work — the Impact and what Leaders can do

The Great Attrition

There’s a lot of talk about the impact of ‘remote work’.

Recent studies (cited by McKinsey) claim that workers are leaving jobs at much higher rates than normal. Some say that one-quarter of US workers are preparing to look for new employment opportunities. The number may be greater (up to 40%) in […]

7 Ways Leaders Inspire Change (in Challenging Times)

Humans are adaptable. That’s how we’ve survived for a long time!

No surprises, then, that people have quickly responded to COVID-imposed changes, like complying with lockdowns, wearing masks or working from home. However, sustaining these changes for a long time is much more challenging.

The problem gets more complex because we don’t know how long we […]

How The Tough Get Going: The Evolving Role of Leadership

It’s a challenging time to be leading an organisation…

But some leaders have stepped up admirably and are running thriving enterprises.

There’s no formula, but let’s examine what’s driving the success of leaders now and in the coming years.

It’s lonely at the top

In ANY environment, being a business leader can be exhausting, lonely, […]

Improving Your Business

Your business, your future, your prosperity

Business Plans are like maps for tourists.

Like sight-seeing (COVID-19 permitting these days), we plan where we’re going, what we’ll visit, where we’ll stay and, if we get side-tracked, how to navigate back to our original itinerary.

Planning a business is very similar in that you need to develop […]

Business Resilience vision and goals

As accountants, we strive to help business owners build resilient and successful businesses

In the current business environment, there are both challenges and opportunities.

One component of resilience is to have a clear vision for the business. That means everyone should understand the business ‘destination’, the ‘why’ or the ‘rationale’ for the business. Without this, the […]

Managing (and Getting Help) Through a Business Crisis

Recent global events have tested the mettle of management and boards everywhere

Some businesses will emerge stronger and, sadly, some will cease to exist in their current form.

Skilled leaders have a better chance of navigating adverse conditions so let’s look closely at some of those skills.

Getting a Quick Understanding of the Problem

Usually, […]

Practical Positivity

Stay safe. Do what you can with what you have. Control what’s in your control.

A framework to help business owners to see their situation through a different lens and move upward.

Help as many people as you can through this period with any spare resources you have, whether that’s time, money or love.

This […]