
Electrician’s spark rekindled, fires up owners to sell

Tom and Melissa Muntz owned and ran a successful electrical contracting business for 30 years.

In a typical business-couple style, Tom was customer-facing on the tools whilst Melissa kept the bookkeeping and payroll running smoothly in the office.

Their business operated in an industrial niche market which proved to be lucrative and provided Tom and […]

Grant can help your business reach more customers online

SMEA Digital Transformation Grant

Many small businesses lack the technical resources to thrive in the competitive digital sphere – especially during a recession.

The SMEA Digital Transformation Grant supports your online marketing goals, using the best tools available. Successful applicants run a targeted three-month digital campaign with an award-winning Australian agency.

Grant Eligibility

Does your […]

Business Resilience: Through Precise Cash Flow Management

Planning, strategy, goal-setting: they’re all critically important…

But without cash, a business is very unlikely to succeed, let alone survive.

A resilient business is one with sufficient funds for operations and growth, now and in the future.

Managing cash flow is crucial, especially in a tough business environment. And it’s not just a financial, accounting or ‘modelling’ […]

Business Action Plans

A hit-and-spin approach to action planning your way through COVD-19

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

Following on from our last article about business planning for FY2021, we wanted to briefly delve into each of the key components on developing your plan.

As there is plenty written about goal setting and how to do that, […]

2021 Business Planning

Business planning for 2021

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

We hope you’re managing and working your way through what has been one of the most challenging times from an economic and also from a social point of view certainly in our lifetime.

As we consider this new financial year despite the challenges we have been […]

Business Resilience vision and goals

As accountants, we strive to help business owners build resilient and successful businesses

In the current business environment, there are both challenges and opportunities.

One component of resilience is to have a clear vision for the business. That means everyone should understand the business ‘destination’, the ‘why’ or the ‘rationale’ for the business. Without this, the […]

Managing (and Getting Help) Through a Business Crisis

Recent global events have tested the mettle of management and boards everywhere

Some businesses will emerge stronger and, sadly, some will cease to exist in their current form.

Skilled leaders have a better chance of navigating adverse conditions so let’s look closely at some of those skills.

Getting a Quick Understanding of the Problem

Usually, […]

What are your revenue goals?

It’s Never Too Late!

OK, the year is well underway… and it seems like just moments ago we were wrapping up the prior year. How has it started for you?

Are you ultra-focused on the goals you set and making measurable progress? Or are you just treading water, marking time, chalking up ‘Another Yesterday’?

As […]

Management Buyout

What Is It and Does It Suit Your Business?

Business owners (especially those who are operationally involved) try to ensure managers’ goals are aligned with their own.

If they are aligned, the prospects for the business are much more attractive because everyone is pulling in the same direction. Ideally, everyone should have ‘skin in the […]

Create a detailed plan for success

Space travel should not be attempted without a detailed plan

What about your business?

In the early 1960’s, US-President J.F. Kennedy declared that the US would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. Was this a reasonable goal? Yes… because it happened.

What if he had said Mars instead of […]