
How accurate data helps businesses survive the inflationary cycle

While big data remains the province of large corporates and governments, real-time data is more accessible to SMEs than ever before, SmartCompany reports

It’s allowing a generation of business owners who’ve had to rely on experience and gut feel, to transform their business into data-driven operations, and grow […]

Pricing Strategy to Drive Growth and Profit

Your pricing strategy

In some ways, managing a business is not so difficult, at least from a financial perspective. By attracting more customers or selling more to existing customers, you grow revenue.

You also try to ensure that revenue greatly exceeds expenses – in which case profits are high!

Simple, right? But what’s missing from […]

Business Resilience: Through Precise Cash Flow Management

Planning, strategy, goal-setting: they’re all critically important…

But without cash, a business is very unlikely to succeed, let alone survive.

A resilient business is one with sufficient funds for operations and growth, now and in the future.

Managing cash flow is crucial, especially in a tough business environment. And it’s not just a financial, accounting or ‘modelling’ […]

Building your business budget

Top down or bottom up? Building your business budget

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

Once you’ve defined your Action Plan, it’s time to understand what this means financially for you and your business.

Start to build your budget. Why do we budget?

Quite simply, making sure the goals and targets you’re setting, and the action […]

Cash flow forecasting with confidence

How to build a living cash flow forecast

By Salisburys Director, Ben Gay

A common problem we hear often from business owners is:

 “I don’t understand. You’re telling me I’m making money yet I’ve got no money in the bank.”

Profit and what you see on the bottom of a Profit & Loss (P&L) Account […]

2021 Business Planning

Business planning for 2021

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

We hope you’re managing and working your way through what has been one of the most challenging times from an economic and also from a social point of view certainly in our lifetime.

As we consider this new financial year despite the challenges we have been […]

From Survival to Resilience: Shifting the Focus

Business survival has been a popular topic in recent weeks

But businesses are shifting their focus to resilience

What does it take to build businesses that can survive AND thrive in the longer term… while insulating them from a recurrence of recent events? It’s not about picking up where we left off because what worked in […]