
JobMaker Hiring Credit

Information for employers

The JobMaker Hiring Credit is for employers

The JobMaker Hiring Credit recently opened for employers and we would like to share some information with our clients to make you aware of this opportunity.

The scheme applies to employees starting employment between 7 October 2020 and 6 October 2021.

It is a scheme […]

The importance of quality business bookkeeping

4 key ways to turn a bookkeeping headache into practical business help

As a small business owner, ever found yourself wondering what life would be like if you didn’t have to do your own books?

Could the quality of your bookkeeping be putting you and your business at risk because you don’t know what you’re […]

2020/21 Federal Budget Summary

Salisbury Accountants Federal Budget Summary 2020/21

1. Personal income tax changes

1.1 Changes to personal income tax rates

The Government has announced that it will bring forward changes to the personal income tax rates that were due to apply from 1 July 2022, so that these changes now apply from 1 July 2020 (i.e., from […]

Salisbury JobKeeper extension services

JobKeeper 3.0 enrolments start 29 September

On 21 July 2020, the Government announced that the JobKeeper Payment would be extended until 28 March 2021, for a further six months beyond its original end date of 27 September 2020.

As a result, JobKeeper would now be made over two separate extension periods, being:

Extension Period […]

JobKeeper 3.0

JobKeeper extension

On 21 July 2020, the Government announced that the JobKeeper Payment (‘JKP’) would be extended until 28 March 2021 (i.e., for a further six months beyond its original end date of 27 September 2020).

As a result, JKPs would now be made over two separate extension periods, being:

Extension period 1 – which covers […]

JobTrainer skills package announced

COVID-19 business recovery

The Australian Government will invest $2 billion to give hundreds of thousands of Australians access to new skills by retraining and upskilling them into sectors with job opportunities, as the economy recovers from COVID-19.

Key points

The new package consists of:

A $1 billion JobTrainer Fund A $1.5 billion expansion of the […]

Extension of the JobKeeper Payment

The Government is extending the JobKeeper Payment by a further six months to March 2021

Support will be targeted to businesses and not-for-profits that continue to be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus. 

The payment rate will be reduced and a lower payment rate will be introduced for those who work fewer hours. Other eligibility rules […]

Business Resilience vision and goals

As accountants, we strive to help business owners build resilient and successful businesses

In the current business environment, there are both challenges and opportunities.

One component of resilience is to have a clear vision for the business. That means everyone should understand the business ‘destination’, the ‘why’ or the ‘rationale’ for the business. Without this, the […]

Last Minute Tax Minimisation Tips

6 Final reminders of how to reduce tax for 2020

EOFY Reminders & Action Items

As a business owner, there are many obligations that you need to consider and action just before and after 30 June.

Some of these will help to minimise your tax. Others will reduce your exposure to an ATO tax audit. […]

SBSCH USERS Deadline reminder to claim your tax deduction

Want to claim a deduction for super contributions?

Your super payments must be accepted by 23 June 2020.

Super payments are only considered to be paid for the purpose of claiming a tax deduction once they have been received by the super fund, not the date the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH) accepts them?
