
VIC Business Support Fund – Expansion

Grants to support Victorian businesses through renewed COVID19 restrictions

Applications for the program extended until 14 September 2020.

One-off grants will be available to eligible businesses under the Business Support Fund – Expansion program offering $5,000 for employing businesses in regional LGAs except Mitchell Shire and $10,000 for employing businesses in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell […]

Salisbury COVIDSafe protocols

Update August 2020

In line with State guidelines for business operations at this time, Salisburys will remain open but will be observing the following COVIDSafe protocols:

No face to face meetings

We will be returning to Zoom or telephone meetings wherever possible

Changed access to our office

If you have documents or information to drop-off, […]

JobTrainer skills package announced

COVID-19 business recovery

The Australian Government will invest $2 billion to give hundreds of thousands of Australians access to new skills by retraining and upskilling them into sectors with job opportunities, as the economy recovers from COVID-19.

Key points

The new package consists of:

A $1 billion JobTrainer Fund A $1.5 billion expansion of the […]

Extension of the JobKeeper Payment

The Government is extending the JobKeeper Payment by a further six months to March 2021

Support will be targeted to businesses and not-for-profits that continue to be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus. 

The payment rate will be reduced and a lower payment rate will be introduced for those who work fewer hours. Other eligibility rules […]

Shifting from retail to E-tail post COVID-19

If you sell tangible, non-perishable retail products, you’ve likely been impacted by COVID-19

You’ve probably read about the thousands of businesses shifting their focus to online sales during COVID-19. There is a process that goes into getting your business online. However, it’s not as difficult as you might think – and you’re not too late.


Business Action Plans

A hit-and-spin approach to action planning your way through COVD-19

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

Following on from our last article about business planning for FY2021, we wanted to briefly delve into each of the key components on developing your plan.

As there is plenty written about goal setting and how to do that, […]

VIC Business Support Fund Expansion

$5,000 grants to support VIC businesses through renewed COVID-19 restrictions

Applications for the program close 19 August 2020.

The Victorian Government has announced that Stage 3 ‘Stay at Home’ will be in reinstated across metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire from 11:59 on 8 July 2020 to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victoria. […]

2021 Business Planning

Business planning for 2021

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

We hope you’re managing and working your way through what has been one of the most challenging times from an economic and also from a social point of view certainly in our lifetime.

As we consider this new financial year despite the challenges we have been […]

Apply for COVID-19 Land Tax relief

NSW Government Land Tax support

If you’re a commercial or residential landlord who has reduced your tenants’ rent due to COVID-19, you may be eligible for land tax relief

Up to 25% of your 2020 land tax liability and a 3-month deferment on paying your land tax.

This relief applies to landlords who agreed to […]

NSW Small Business Recovery Grant now open for applications

Apply now for the $3000 Small Business Recovery Grant

Applications close 16 August 2020

The new Small Business Recovery Grant for up to $3,000 is now open for applications to help you rebuild your business.

You can use it to cover:

marketing and advertising expenses fit-out changes staff training expenses to work in a COVID […]