
Managing Cash Flow through Scenario Planning

In an uncertain business environment, staying on top of future cash needs is challenging… but essential. 

Scenario planning is one way to reduce risk and overcome uncertainties.

What is scenario planning?

A scenario is what we think might happen in the future based on certain assumptions. For example, we may ASSUME it will rain tomorrow and […]

Action required: Reduce your 2021 tax

The end of financial year is approaching quickly

Now is the time to discuss with us the actions you can take before 30 June 2021 to reduce your tax and access additional cash flow.

For 2021, key priorities are likely to include:

Deferring taxable income Bringing forward deductible expenses Maximising superannuation contributions without exceeding the […]

The importance of quality business bookkeeping

4 key ways to turn a bookkeeping headache into practical business help

As a small business owner, ever found yourself wondering what life would be like if you didn’t have to do your own books?

Could the quality of your bookkeeping be putting you and your business at risk because you don’t know what you’re […]

Precise Cash Flow Management: Best Practices

Improving your cash position brings opportunities and reduces business risk

In the absence of equity and debt financing, alternative cash-flow management strategies can make a positive difference.

These ideas will not apply to ALL businesses but perhaps there are some you can implement. 

1. Get Better Vendor Payment Terms

Vendors are partners and are invested in […]

5 Steps to Stronger Cash Flow Management

Recent conditions reveal that some businesses struggling while others ‘going gangbusters’

Businesses at both of these extremes share one priority… which is to carefully manage cash.

Here are our recommendations to help you avoid risk and make the most of your cash resources:

1. Finance Processes Matter

It sounds obvious… but some organisations still lose invoices, […]

Business Resilience: Through Precise Cash Flow Management

Planning, strategy, goal-setting: they’re all critically important…

But without cash, a business is very unlikely to succeed, let alone survive.

A resilient business is one with sufficient funds for operations and growth, now and in the future.

Managing cash flow is crucial, especially in a tough business environment. And it’s not just a financial, accounting or ‘modelling’ […]

NSW Southern Border small business support grant

$45 million for Southern Border small businesses

Opens 8 September 2020

The NSW Government is providing a grant for small businesses in eligible local government areas (LGAs) that have been impacted by the closure of the NSW and Victorian border.

The ‘Southern border small business support grant’ is designed to provide immediate, […]

Cash flow forecasting with confidence

How to build a living cash flow forecast

By Salisburys Director, Ben Gay

A common problem we hear often from business owners is:

 “I don’t understand. You’re telling me I’m making money yet I’ve got no money in the bank.”

Profit and what you see on the bottom of a Profit & Loss (P&L) Account […]

2021 Business Planning

Business planning for 2021

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

We hope you’re managing and working your way through what has been one of the most challenging times from an economic and also from a social point of view certainly in our lifetime.

As we consider this new financial year despite the challenges we have been […]

From Survival to Resilience: Shifting the Focus

Business survival has been a popular topic in recent weeks

But businesses are shifting their focus to resilience

What does it take to build businesses that can survive AND thrive in the longer term… while insulating them from a recurrence of recent events? It’s not about picking up where we left off because what worked in […]