
Update on COVID-19 business assistance

Action required: update on COVID-19 assistance for your business

Things have changed significantly around Australia with the recent announcements of enforced closing of some businesses and other restrictions imposed by the Governments to stop the spread of COVID-19.

It is going to be a very tough time for all of us business owners over the […]

Breaking Old Habits to Drive Costs Down

Don’t get caught in old bad habits

Especially where you can quickly improve the bottom line

“Old habits die hard | Old soldiers just fade away | Old habits die hard | Harder than November rain”

Recognize the song? It’s called “Old Habits Die Hard” and the lyrics were written by Mick Jagger for the […]

Knowing and Acting on What Makes you Succeed

Business Gymnastics

Back in July 1976 at the Montreal Olympics, Nadia Comăneci was awarded the first perfect 10 in Olympic gymnastics for her routine on the uneven bars.

It is controversial whether an athlete can ever perform ‘perfectly’ but that’s what the judges decided. Ironically, Omega, the provider of Olympic electronic scoreboards had programmed the […]

Pricing strategy that drives profit

Pricing is underestimated as a driver of business growth

“Getting new customers” is what business owners first think about when they want to grow.

Then they think of “selling more to existing customers”. These are both plausible ways to grow a business… though a change in pricing can bring even better results to the bottom […]

A Strategic Look at the People Numbers

Honey Anyone?

Whether or not you like honey, you probably know that honey bees live in large well-organised groups.

As social (versus solitary) insects, they engage in complex tasks like delegating their workload, communicating clearly, building a nest, keeping a (compound) eye on environmental changes, collecting food, rearing the brood and defending against invading forces.


Selling Your Business

It May Not Be For You… But Keep Your Options Open

Selling your business might be far from your mind right now. Perhaps you just started and/or it’s going fabulously well. Don’t fix something that’s not broken, right?

But the changing business landscape requires that we think ahead not just six months or one year, […]

Management Buyout

What Is It and Does It Suit Your Business?

Business owners (especially those who are operationally involved) try to ensure managers’ goals are aligned with their own.

If they are aligned, the prospects for the business are much more attractive because everyone is pulling in the same direction. Ideally, everyone should have ‘skin in the […]