
Business Action Plans

A hit-and-spin approach to action planning your way through COVD-19

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

Following on from our last article about business planning for FY2021, we wanted to briefly delve into each of the key components on developing your plan.

As there is plenty written about goal setting and how to do that, […]

2021 Business Planning

Business planning for 2021

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

We hope you’re managing and working your way through what has been one of the most challenging times from an economic and also from a social point of view certainly in our lifetime.

As we consider this new financial year despite the challenges we have been […]

Business Resilience vision and goals

As accountants, we strive to help business owners build resilient and successful businesses

In the current business environment, there are both challenges and opportunities.

One component of resilience is to have a clear vision for the business. That means everyone should understand the business ‘destination’, the ‘why’ or the ‘rationale’ for the business. Without this, the […]

Is Your Business Model Standing the Test of COVID-19?

Staying Current in Changing Times

In very simple terms, a business model refers to “the way a business makes money”.

Take a retailer, for example, who buys and displays products of interest to customers. By attracting people into their store, they sell those products and make a profit, provided the sales price exceeds the costs […]

Salisburys tax planning reminder

Reduce your tax

With the end of financial year just weeks away, there is still time to discuss with us the actions you can take before 30 June to reduce tax and access additional cash flow.

“In the business world, the rear view mirror is always clearer than the windshield” – Warren Buffett

It’s the […]

On-Farm Drought Resilience Grants

Agriculture Victoria

Increased drought assistance being provided to Victorian farmers

The Victorian Government through Agriculture Victoria of the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (Agriculture Victoria) has established the On-Farm Drought Resilience Grant Program to assist eligible farm businesses to invest in on-farm drought preparedness and to seek business advice.

A grant of up to […]

The Power of Price

Or should we talk about Value?

If you’re a Bruce Springsteen fan, you might enjoy his song “The Price You Pay” (also covered by Emmylou Harris).

Roger Daltrey of the Who sings “The Price of Love” while Twisted Sister released “Pay the Price” in 1999. The Doobie Brothers contemplate life in “Too High a Price” while the Thompson Twins think […]

AgBiz Drought loans

Supporting regional Australians to take control of their business through the drought

To be eligible for an AgBiz Drought loan, your small business must be or have been supplying goods or services relating to primary production to farm businesses located in an affected area.

Manage your small business through the drought

Use this loan to​ […]

Using Data to Drive Decision-making to Build Business

There’s a lot of talk about data and how it will change the way we do business

That’s probably true… but some business owners are not benefiting from data in their decision-making.

Others are spending money on pricey systems in the hope of utilising data. Results appear to be mixed. As accountants, we have had […]

Special Disaster Grant – Bushfires

NSW Rural Assistance Authority

Disaster recovery grants of up to $75,000 are now available to primary producers in LGAs affected by the NSW bushfires that have occurred from 31 August 2019.

To find out if you are eligible review the LGAs affected and the Guidelines below:

Date of Declaration Disaster recovery grants available in Local […]