
The importance of quality business bookkeeping

4 key ways to turn a bookkeeping headache into practical business help

As a small business owner, ever found yourself wondering what life would be like if you didn’t have to do your own books?

Could the quality of your bookkeeping be putting you and your business at risk because you don’t know what you’re […]

Electrician’s spark rekindled, fires up owners to sell

Tom and Melissa Muntz owned and ran a successful electrical contracting business for 30 years.

In a typical business-couple style, Tom was customer-facing on the tools whilst Melissa kept the bookkeeping and payroll running smoothly in the office.

Their business operated in an industrial niche market which proved to be lucrative and provided Tom and […]

Grant can help your business reach more customers online

SMEA Digital Transformation Grant

Many small businesses lack the technical resources to thrive in the competitive digital sphere – especially during a recession.

The SMEA Digital Transformation Grant supports your online marketing goals, using the best tools available. Successful applicants run a targeted three-month digital campaign with an award-winning Australian agency.

Grant Eligibility

Does your […]

Selling online with e-commerce?

Here’s why you need an accountant

With many businesses still closed and everyone spending more time online, it’s no surprise that there’s been an explosion in demand for online shopping.

Going online is a great opportunity for small businesses. It can help expand your offering and grow your customer base (including international reach). However, setting […]

Business Resilience: Through Precise Cash Flow Management

Planning, strategy, goal-setting: they’re all critically important…

But without cash, a business is very unlikely to succeed, let alone survive.

A resilient business is one with sufficient funds for operations and growth, now and in the future.

Managing cash flow is crucial, especially in a tough business environment. And it’s not just a financial, accounting or ‘modelling’ […]

NSW Southern Border small business support grant

$45 million for Southern Border small businesses

Opens 8 September 2020

The NSW Government is providing a grant for small businesses in eligible local government areas (LGAs) that have been impacted by the closure of the NSW and Victorian border.

The ‘Southern border small business support grant’ is designed to provide immediate, […]

Building your business budget

Top down or bottom up? Building your business budget

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

Once you’ve defined your Action Plan, it’s time to understand what this means financially for you and your business.

Start to build your budget. Why do we budget?

Quite simply, making sure the goals and targets you’re setting, and the action […]

Financial assistance for VIC businesses

VIC Payroll tax deferrals

Businesses with payrolls up to $10 million can defer their liabilities for the first half of the 2020-21 financial year.

VIC Payroll tax refunds

Eligible businesses can claim an emergency tax relief refund of payroll tax already paid in the 2019-20 financial year.

Cash flow forecasting with confidence

How to build a living cash flow forecast

By Salisburys Director, Ben Gay

A common problem we hear often from business owners is:

 “I don’t understand. You’re telling me I’m making money yet I’ve got no money in the bank.”

Profit and what you see on the bottom of a Profit & Loss (P&L) Account […]

Business Resilience and Understanding Your Market

As accountants, we want our clients to build resilient and successful businesses

That means overcoming the challenges and pursuing the opportunities presented by current market conditions.

Leaders of resilient businesses ensure they understand their market, especially the customers and competition.

Some leaders have an ‘innate sense’ about their market; a ‘gut feeling’ about their customers […]