A Strategic Look at the People Numbers

Honey Anyone?

Whether or not you like honey, you probably know that honey bees live in large well-organised groups.

As social (versus solitary) insects, they engage in complex tasks like delegating their workload, communicating clearly, building a nest, keeping a (compound) eye on environmental changes, collecting food, rearing the brood and defending against invading forces.


Selling Your Business

It May Not Be For You… But Keep Your Options Open

Selling your business might be far from your mind right now. Perhaps you just started and/or it’s going fabulously well. Don’t fix something that’s not broken, right?

But the changing business landscape requires that we think ahead not just six months or one year, […]

Free Salisburys Beer & Business Event 14 November

There’s profit in the P&L, but not enough beer in the fridge!

Are you accurately monitoring cash (and other key metrics) in your business?

You’re invited to join us for a few drinks and nibbles and an opportunity to catch up outside the office.

Our Beers & Business always includes a brief […]

Management Buyout

What Is It and Does It Suit Your Business?

Business owners (especially those who are operationally involved) try to ensure managers’ goals are aligned with their own.

If they are aligned, the prospects for the business are much more attractive because everyone is pulling in the same direction. Ideally, everyone should have ‘skin in the […]

Customer analysis

The Importance of Categorising Your Customers

Always Be Ready to Adapt Your Business to Change

You probably heard the phrase the customer is always right, well maybe that’s not quite right.

Perhaps it should be rephrased and what we should be thinking about here is, the RIGHT customer, is always right.

There’s a subtle difference […]

Numbers should tell a story

Money is a tricky topic for a lot of business owners

There’s the matter of how to account for it, how to present it and, of course, how to raise it. 

In this day and age where accounting has been made a lot easier and financial information more transparent, how should business owners approach their […]

Sales Data to Drive Success

The Shifting Landscape of Sales

The science of plate tectonics is how we explain the movement of continents. Yes, continents are moving all the time … but extremely slowly!

For instance, it is said that the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are moving away from each other at about 2.5 centimetres per year!

Fortunately, […]

Tracking sales opportunities to predict new revenue

To grow your business, attracting new customers is an important strategy

Many will immediately think of marketing and creativity which can put many people off who feel like they are not a creative type. We want to stop you right there, as we believe that successfully bringing new revenue in your business is strongly attributed […]

Your Business Dashboard

What Should You Be Seeing

There was a time when cars didn’t have a fuel gauge. That meant you had to understand the size of your fuel tank, remember when you last bought fuel (and how much) and estimate the distance you’ve travelled since filling up.

None of that is particularly hard, but, depending on […]

Choosing a business structure

Setting up a business structure

If you are starting a business you will need to work out which type of business structure to use. 

We explain the benefits and disadvantages of different types of business structures. Sole trader

A sole trader is the simplest business structure and it is inexpensive to set up because there […]