2021 COVID-19 business grants
Financial assistance for NSW and Victorian businesses
Grant information is current and correct at the time of publishing. Please always check program details for application closing dates and other deadlines in the source information provided.
If you’re considering applying, we strongly encourage you to prepare your quotes and documentation in advance. Applicants often require an accountant’s prepared declaration as part of the grant submission process. Salisbury Accountants & Business Advisors will be able to provide assistance to our clients as we have done with previous grant programs.
NSW COVID-19 business support 2021
The eligibility for the NSW 2021 COVID-19 business grant has been released and is expected to be open for registrations until 13 September.
» Apply online at https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/2021-covid-19-business-grant
Available funding
- 30% or more reduction in turnover – $7,500
- 50% or more reduction in turnover – $10,500
- 70% or more reduction in turnover – $15,000
- Multiple businesses under one ABN are only eligible for one grant.
To avoid delays in preparing an application, please also refer to the Get ready section of this article.
Business Victoria Circuit Breaker Support Package
21 July 2021 Business Support
The Victorian Government has announced an injection of $282.5 million meaning 90,000 businesses and sole traders will now share in up to $484.3 million in support for 12 days of current vital public health action.
The additional payment amount to an eligible business is:
- $2800 for successful recipients of the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two; or
- $4200 for successful recipients of the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021.
» For specific details, visit the 21 July 2021 Top-Up Payment page.
Victorian Events Support Package
The $20 million package supporting event organisers, hosts and suppliers manage the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 winds up at 11.59PM today with two final grant deadlines extended:
- The Sustainable Event Business Program will provide up to $250,000 to major event organisers, hosts and suppliers who have suffered a loss as a result of the recent restrictions that began in late May, and the ongoing viability of their event or business has been significantly affected by the pandemic.
- The Impacted Public Events Support Program will deliver up to $25,000 to eligible event organisers and up to $10,000 to eligible suppliers of Tier 1 and Tier 2 public events under the Public Events Framework that were approved to take place between 11.59pm on 27 May 2021 and 11.59pm on 24 June 2021.
» Express interest at https://business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/victorian-events-support-package
To prepare a grant application or check proof of identity and auditing requirements, call Salisbury’s team in Albury Wodonga on 02 6041 3014.